Groh Drive Public School and Childcare

The new Groh Public School accommodates 600 K-8 students and a 48 pupil-place child care centre for the YMCA in the growing community of Doon South, Kitchener. The project takes its cues from nearby agricultural buildings and the adjacent old Groh Farming access trail – newly interpreted as a multi-use recreational trail. The building orients views towards the trail, and charges its edge with large active common programs – including the gym, library and atrium – and various outdoor play & learning spaces. Site Planning and material selection were also influenced by the rural context.

The interiors of the school are configured to allow program functions with similar needs to share spaces, creating a more interdisciplinary learning environment across the facility. For instance, the stage doubles as a flexible classroom, sandwiched between the Gym and Multi-purpose Room, providing auditorium spaces for varied teaching needs. Classrooms are designed to for flexible learning, collaborative teaching and to adapt to future technologies. They are grouped around common break-out spaces to support collaborative learning, and colour-coded for improved wayfinding.