Increased demand and an aging infrastructure necessitated major changes to the existing Centre, the hub of sports and social activity for the community for over 35 years. The redesign’s phasing strategy had to maintain ongoing rink and aquatics operations while completely transforming those parts which were to remain and be seamlessly integrated into new facilities. A four-pad arena replaces the smaller outdated facilities, as well as new change rooms, a restaurant and pro shop, multi-purpose rooms, a gymnasium, and an indoor running track. The aquatic component was expanded with the addition of a new 25m pool, a therapy pool, a fitness and dry land training centre, change rooms, aerobics and weight lifting spaces, and a Wellness Centre. A central day-lit interior street links all activities together and serves as a focus for the many community events hosted in the Centre.

- Client: City of Brantford
- Location: Brantford
- Size: 240,000 sf
- Completion: 2013