Groh Drive Public School and Childcare

The new Groh Public School accommodates 600 K-8 students and a 48 pupil-place child care centre for the YMCA in the growing community of Doon South, Kitchener. The project takes its cues from nearby agricultural buildings and the adjacent old Groh Farming access trail – newly interpreted as a multi-use recreational trail. The building orients […]

Addition to Birchmount Community Centre

Located within an educational and recreational prescient in the BirchCliff Heights area of Toronto an addition to the Birchmount Community Centre was undertaken by CS&P Architects. The central feature of the expanded facility is a double gymnasium which serves as a divisible multi-purpose space for community sports, local meetings and social events. Supporting the gymnasium […]

Old City Hall, Study for New Uses

The project involves the expansion and full renovation of the existing Police Headquarters facility to accommodate growth in staff size and new operational requirements. The site is located in the central downtown area and the design includes a new public entrance giving the building an enhanced street presence, access to public services and a new […]

University of Windsor, School of Creative Arts (SOCA)

A highly integrated creative arts facility for the University, SOCA establishes a new downtown arts precinct in the city of Windsor. The dynamic programme is distributed within both the repurposed heritage Armouries structure and the adjacent new purpose-built studio building on the former Tunnel BBQ site. The existing Armouries structure, a solid red-brick large-span hall […]

Queen’s University, Mitchell Hall Innovation and Wellness Centre

A detailed Feasibility Study for a complex interdisciplinary program was initially undertaken by CS&P to test the viability of revitalizing the existing heritage building. The program was developed to house all campus health and wellness clinics, an exam centre, multiple student life facilities, athletics spaces, innovation and engineering laboratories and studios, and additional multi-use teaching […]

101 Erskine Avenue Condominiums

This 410-unit residential condominium and townhouse development is located in busy midtown Toronto. The design includes a striking 32-storey tower, clad in black and white glass and spandrel panels. The tower sits on a 4- to 6-storey podium and townhome block that relates contextually to street level low-rise townhouses in the neighbourhood. A new through-block […]

University of Windsor Downtown Campus

The University is moving several faculties to initiate a new campus within the existing urban fabric of downtown Windsor. Each of the projects in the selected downtown locations is part of an overall commitment by the University to participate and be a vibrant partner in the revitalization of the downtown core. Several projects are incorporated […]